today i woke up really late cause i haven't been sleeping earlyfor the last couple of days & yea. anyways at 12:00 noon i met up with sunny
at BSHS PAC ; well techinically she was already inside but anyways we were
just watching some performances by music students & my my ; they were pro
-strokes beard-
thenn afterwards victoria, me, sunny & david went to southbank to walk around at suncorp plaza we saw these people shuffling in the middle { they weren't even asian} i'm not being racist btw ; just say :L and then i think htey got in trouble with the police ..went to watch percussion afterwards & i saw kanan and rita ;D yea they played as macgregors junior percussion ensemble lol. you know i just realised, blogs are supposed to have a topic and not for blogging about our daily schedule but oh well anyway. maybe i'll find a topic to blog about laters. anyway i was uhh playing with PS yesterday so i have a few edits -,- but they're
like really noob cause yea & i cbs playing around wtih everything ya know ? psh .
few photos below then.