by - 9:18 PM

today was pretty productive, well for me anyway. Woke up really late at around 9:55am which was kinda weird considering i slept extremely early at around 10:40pm (well early for someone who normally sleeps at around 11:30pm). Techinically i just kinda lay there till 9:55am but then i couldn't be bothered anymore so i got up.
Ate some breakfast, then my parents forced me to go out and 'walk around' with them T_T in the cold winddddd ~ for about i don't know, half an hour? or more? and then me & mum went to the QUT library. I've been living near QUT for around 3 months maybe, and like this was the first time, might i say its massive .__. it even has like fiction books and all that.
borrowed some books, an accounting one, i'm not a nerd -,- i'm just afraid i'll fail cause my teacher hasn't been teaching us properly but then when i got home found out it didn't really help -sigh- i need a textbook identical to the one at school. blah. i can't study accounting at home either cause we're apparently supposed to write 'financial reports' oh well. Read for the afternoon till sunny & her family came over. Dad told us to go and play 'basketball' again. I can't play basketball -,- but anyway we did end up playing.
I feel very productive because i actually got up a moved for once except i am kinda sport challenged? and my dad threw this ball at me while sunny's little brother was throwing another one at me. Gee, my dad should've seen me catching the other ball and he just had to throw one at me, yes it did manage to get me on the head. = = i am cursed this way you know? Soccer balls hit me, volley balls, basketballs, soft balls, you name it -sigh- oh yeah, and rice balls cause last time this grade 8 chucked one at me for no reason.
okay, that was really random but whatever :D i should start studying but i can't be bothered. It's so a;osidfa;lksdn cold haha. Oh, forgot to mention friday was last day with my jap tutor for a while cause she's pregnant, she baked us a cake ! According to my mum, its really hard to get those kinda cakes right but yeah. thats about all.
; pennyx
p.s even sunny's dad is calling me apple now .__.

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