one of those scary moments

by - 8:00 PM

Yesterday i spent the night doing math B :) and i finally finished, hopefully i didn't make any mistakes though cause i didn't bother checking it D: Today i did a bit of english and then went to work, saw joona & coco while i was there. I'm starting to like work better , not dreading it as much as before but after work something pretty creepy happened.

It was 7:00pm at night and i was waiting at the busstop and some random guy who looked like he was in his thirties came up to me and asked me the time. Afterwards instead of just leaving he stands and starts talking to me and asks me stuff like 'where are you from?' 'where do you work?' 'how long have you been in australia' okay so they're not that pedo questions but yeah and he was nice&all , he started telling me he worked in a restaurant/ finished studying in a language school and how he's from turkey ._. thats not as scary but afterwards he left and said 'it was nice meeting you' and like 10 minutes later he's back again and starts telling me about all the countries he's visited and how he hasn't visited mine.

him: so, you wanna text each other? I reckon we could become good friends
me: um.... i don't mind......but my sim number is changing soon so yeah.
him: well if you don't want to its okay, but we're just texting , no meeting up at all, we can tell each other about ourselves and our culture
me: um... well i don't know much about my country

In the end i did give him my number, well half of it anyway before i decided it was too dodgy and so i changed the last few digits o_o i feel kinda guilty because he might've just genuinely wanted to be friends ( he didn't look like the pedo type, more like a overseas studying person). But yeah.. i was kinda creeped out ._. and i stupidly told him i went to state high/ worked at mcdonalds , how stupid was i? Couldn't think up something clever on the spot -sigh- =\ hopefully i never meet him again though otherwise he'd be like 'why'd you give me a fake number' ?

my mum was telling me all these 'be friendly-without-telling-things-about-yourself' techniques afterwards. Well, anyways, she was like 'it comes with experience penny, once you have more experience you'll know how to react to these things' ._. um okay mum LOL well k i'm going to finish english noww omg i'm screwed

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