I am number four

by - 8:48 PM

hello :) On saturday i went to garden city with my family cause our apartment was on 'open home' mode, if that even makes sense --" but anyways, yeah i borrowed books :D and bought some random dress which was on sale, except i didn't even like it that much. Actually thinking about it i don't think i actually like shopping that much, i just think i do cause idno ._. i get tired easily and cbs buying things and i don't like anything LOL kay that was random.

But anyway, ended buying CITY OF FALLEN ANGELS ! i finally found it in QBD bookshop except it was $28 My hard earned cash ;o anyway, i watched i am number four last night, it was good i guess but kinda scary ._. Didn't go iceskating with everyone on sunday :'( cause i had work, i've been working heaps these past few days. I just came back from a 8 hour and a half shift lol, kay bye!

oh and i finished reading city of fallen angels this morning, to be honest though, it wasn't as good as the other books ;o

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