Sally's 18th

by - 6:48 PM

Hi guys! :) Last night I went to sally's late 18th birthday/going away party. I spent a good part of the afternoon making her card :3 I was kind of happy with it until I realised that I made it the wrong way round ;_; it was meant to open horizontally but since I stuck everything the other way, I had to write the card vertically. Yup, this kind of thing always happens to me. Haven't made a card in such a long time (: but since sally was leaving for melbourne today I decided this would be more meaningful. 
It was pretty funny though, I got to Vapiano five minutes from six only to find that no one was there yet except for a few people. To our amusement sally was late to her own party but that was okay since we were mostly chilling at the tables anyway :) 
 The lighting looks so yellow on my camera :\ 

Kelly(shin) & I shared a pizza :) We were dying of hunger and finished it all. Afterwards Tom offered to take everyone down to noggi to have some froyo at around 8:30pm. It was awesome because he got us 50% off (he works there) and so to the horror of his colleagues we ordered a gigantic jug. 
Most people kind of left after that but richie & I stayed with sally to play pool except it wasn't open by then so we took her to Karaoke. It was her first time and she said she liked it !! :D It was a great way to finish off the evening. I miss her already :') she left for melbourne this morning. Sighhhh. Anyways I have to go help mum cook now - -" laters! 

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