Salted caramel macarons

by - 6:57 PM

Hey guys! 
I'm so happy :) The salted caramel filling I made yesterday thickened up enough to be used for macarons. After leaving it in the fridge overnight, it turned into this:
It tastes so much like Werther's original lollies. I've been craving this flavour for ages haha, finally figured out how to make it. Anyway, since I had my filling, I decided to make more macarons today. I really need a proper piping bag though, my macarons don't turn out with nice shapes since I don't use a proper one. 
I think I figured out why my macaron shells were cracking so easily, probably because I wasn't piping them thick enough or because in my previous tries, the mixture wasn't mixed well enough. I'll probably go experiment more once the semester holidays start. One month of bludge, wooooo! 
I think they're a bit too sweet though ): Didn't add enough salt. Wish I could reduce the amount of sugar but then that'd probably make my macarons die or something. Made my brother eat some of the ugly ones haha, he said they tasted nice. Yay. Now... to make the aesthetically pleasing enough to sell ;). Jokes. 

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