
by - 5:36 PM

Hi guys :)
Recently, there's been a clearasil ad on my blog during the mornings and a few days ago I was bored and decided to click on it to see what it was about. Turns out they were giving free samples so being the asian I am, I asked them to send me one 8D It actually arrived today, I totally forgot about it. 
And it came with a voucher muahaha. Jokes, I don't even buy products like these though, but I guess if it's good.... 

Well, I won't be blogging very frequently in the next two weeks or so since I have exams. Maybe unless something interesting comes up. Well my brother will be having his semi formal next thursday, damn. I'll be so busy that day, exams and other stuff. Oh well, at least richie is taking him shopping this week for his suit etc. My own brother doesn't trust my taste :') haha just kidding. Okay, gotta go back to cramming anatomy. Good evening! 

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