Newspaper nails

by - 10:48 PM

Hey people! I hope you've all been enjoying your holidays - mine having been that great lately due to some crappy family issues but yeah. I bet I'll be missing my holidays like crazy once uni starts. I went out the other day with my cousin, brother and Kaido to watch 47 Ronin, and I am proud to say that I drove us to southbank (with my mum supervising of course). Despite what Kaido thinks, I actually didn't kill anyone on the way there. 

Kaido also brought along some souvenirs he got me from japan, well actually by souvenirs I mean food. This is called a Manju : 

They sell maple leaf shaped ones in Hiroshima but the ones he got us were circular shaped. They're japanese confectionary filled with red bean paste if I'm not mistaken. I usually don't like stuff filled with red bean paste because its always too sweet but this one was actually pretty nice. 

For once, I also had the patience to sit down and do something to my nails. But I did end up screwing it up a little as I usually do. Anyway, I present to you : 

Newspaper nails! 

Well not quite 'newspaper' style since I don't have white nail polish unfortunately. I realised the other day all the nail polish in my house is actually my mothers and hence I can never paint my nails in patterns I want because the colours don't match.
Urgh wrinkly skin, this is what happens when you wash a lot of dishes and don't use hand cream little kids. I also need to stop accidentally scratching myself at work. I've just stopped counting my scratches now since I seem to get one every few shifts or so, from seemingly harmless objects I may add. Anyway, good night to you all. I shall go enjoy a movie with a nice bag of cheese flavoured popcorn now. 

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