by - 7:31 PM

你好; 大家歡迎到



{for tommorrow}

ihope you have a fantastic day & enjoy all the worldly pleasures that has

brought you happiness for last few years of your life.

anyway; you may have noticed i sound like a dork on this blog but i'm just trying

to improve my vocab by trying more complicated words <_______<>
whatever ; anyways today in the afternoon took bus with elaine to southbank

& we walked around till like 3:00 pm then we headed to the grassy area

to wait for our religion teachers; it was their last week with us so they decided to have

a break up party;

At first there was like literally no one & me ; elaine were thinking uh oh what if

no one turns up ? then joy pops along & then yea ; she`s so pretty (H) well anyway

umm then everyone arrived and we ate food etc.

Saw ferdy with a bunch of veggies :L and also saw

tim's gang of friends on his birthday outing lolol then like he came &

sat with us ; after awhile we had to leave and yea ; i would just like to say

to the religion teachers thanks cause they were really truly nice people &

i will miss them alot (:

walked to bustop with tim & friends etc. then took bus home

now i've got hw but whatever

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