by - 8:19 PM

somehow i don't know what to do;
theres everyone but then there is you

greetings readers ;

today i woke up really late cause i ended up watching slumdog millionaire last night ;D and then kinda stayed upstairs reading betrayed {its really good} then i got really hungry so had brunch consisting of a peice of bread, cheese and then a mandarin & a few peices of chocolate -shifty eyes- i swear i'm getting addicted to chocolate these days -,- and i use to hate it like what the heck ?

well anyways afterwards me, bro & mum went shopping at plaza for my birthday supplies, bought lots of junkfood and i shall try not to eat them all before this sunday (: hahahaha well anyways bought two packets of pocky as well cause i needed them for a activity but because it was like $2.20 for each small pack mum was like *rage* no getting more so just bought two lololol okay what am i doing, telling you about what i bought shopping for food =="i seriously have no life right ?

came back, had asian bread cause i was bored and yeas then walked my dog with mum for like an hour *prouds* my mother told me on the way that she had this work colleague and apparently she owned like 1500 dresses; i was like shocked o-o rich much ? okay you didn't need to know <<>

then came back, helped mum cook dinner & made gravy by myself and it was edible kids; EDIBLEEEEEEE okay i shall be quiet now (:


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