by - 5:55 PM

elaine the caveman & billy the alpaca

don't you reckon this bush looks exactly like that alpaca ? (pictured above)

well i did nothing much today except wake up really late and then have brunch, cleared out my school bag, tidied my room, went on a walk with my mum & brother cause she made me -,- i'm stuck with a stupid cold right before school, great. But anways my mum said she might let me and my brother go to southbank to watch movies tommorrow since she's going to work and i claimed my brother still needs exercise books which is kinda true.

當世界不知不覺的變了, 有時候我懷念以前的我♪

I forgot to mention that on friday on the way home i bumped into kathy and yeah it seems like senior is hard .__. well anyway, on friday the park i went to was also really familiar, took me a while to realise that it was the park my childhood friend use to take me & my brother to, I was struck with a sense of nostalgia. Okay, instead of listening to me rambling on, i'll just end here so yeah goodbye guys. Oh man, i should start my jap tutor & chinese homework T_T i'm gonna fail level three test if i keep carrying on the way i do.
this is in the hollow of the tree me & elaine stepped into.
The hole is the top of the tree.

wow so pro hahaha
I'll probably have to ask jake sometime if its really hard, hopefully not otherwise
i'm so not passing this year. Okay goodbye.

at natalie's surpise party

nice work, james :L

nts: since i call elaine a caveman so often i'll just explain why,
she crawls under desks during class & always looks wild haha.

taken on the bridge above a canopy of trees, near her
natural habitat lmao.

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