hello readers,
today i managed to remain semi-conscious until 1:00pm in the afternoon without realising that i was sleeping that long. I think i'm starting to get sick T-T , my th
roat hurts, well at least thats the only symptom right now. Well after having brunch i had to type up some information for my dad since he is like trying to start multiple ways of earning money .__. cause apparently me and my brother are 'scabbing' too much money off them and we're gonna be off in our own happy married life in the future to look after them <-< yeahh haha
then i did some preparation for some things, now my eyes hurt from staring at the computer so long, literally. Today i'll just upload a mixture of random photos i guess since i have nothing to say. Gonna change my template soon, and well try make my blog more interesting. Having this feeling i'm talking to myself lol, not that its a bad thing but you get what i mean. Going out tommorrow & will probably not blog until friday or saturday. Enjoy the rest of your holidays people, school is next week -insert throat slitting motions here- i wanna watch eclipse, apparently its good. I would upload more photos from yesterday & monday but elaine's got most of the pictures so yeah hahaha, i'll get them off her next time.