by - 12:09 PM

Time started: 12:09
Name: Penny Yi-ping chen
Single or Taken: singlee
Sex: femalee
birthday: 08AUG95`
Eye color: black?/dark brown
What are you wearing: PJ's lmao
Where do you live: at home
Righty or lefty: righty

Where is your favorite place to shop: uhm garbo/plaza
Color: purple
Number: 8, my lucky number :D
Boys Name: Matthew
Girls Name: serena
Animal: dogs/kittens
Month: June,july,august :D winter time!
Movie: stardust
Juice: guava+aple juice
Breakfast: ._. i normally eat toast?
Favorite cartoon character: do hot manga people count?
Drama: smiling pasta&romantic princess

Smoked: nope
Bungee Jumped: haha no , i'm too chicken
Gone skinny dipping: maybe when i was small (parents) - -
Eaten a dog: ewww no
Put your tongue on a frozen pole: pole? nah :L
Loved someone so much it made you cry: not really
Broken a bone: yup, arm
Played truth or dare: hoho :] ofc
Been in a physical fight: with bro lmao
Been in a police car: never
Been in a hot tub: hot tub? bath tub maybe (:
Swam in the ocean: use to swim every week ._. my dad loves outdoors
Fallen asleep in school: never -proud-
Ran away: nah
Broken someone’s heart: uhmm hope not
Cried when someone died: no one's died yet
Cried in school: no, intend to keep it that way :)
Fell off your chair: -shiftyeyes-
Sat by the phone all night for someone to call: no, i'd rather fb or blog or msn :D
sved AIM/MSN conversation: yeah

Your good luck charm: lol i'm cursed but i do have this yellow spade shaped pushie
i found in grade 7 .__. don't think it works though
Best song you ever heard: i like a few
What’s your room like: bright small, bright and uh wooden wardrobe?
Last thing you ate: red bean soup
What kind of shampoo do you use: herbal essence (:
Do you believe in karma: lol what's karma ( i'm so stupid TT)

Chicken pox: nooo
Sore Throat: yeah :L
Stitches: 3 on my right arm
Broken nose: nope, ouchh

Believe in love at first sight: no, thats shallow lmao
Like picnics: not really :L
Like school: (: most of the time
Would you eat a live hamster for $1,000,000 dollars: eww but maybe ;o
Who was the last person that called you: uhm mum, telling me to do chores -sigh-
What makes you laugh the most: my retarded best friends (:

You yelled at: forgot
Who broke your heart: looong time ago , wasn't severe lmao
Who is your loudest friend: all my friends are loud as .__.

Do you like filling these out: uh no i feel like a loser :L
Do you wear contacts or glasses: mostly glasses
Do you like yourself: depends? i dislike my height - -
Do you get along with your family: getting better (:
Obsessive: umm idno
Compulsive: haha maybe
Anorexic: pft far from it

What are you listening to right now: the humming of my computer
What did you do yesterday: play badminton/violin go school
Hate someone in your family: lol, no one atm, sometimes my brother when he hardkorely pisses me off
What car do you wish to have: convertible (H)
Where do you want to get married: idno, grand hotel?
How many remote controls are in your house: i cbs counting (:
Are you double jointed: no, i wish :L
Last time you took a bath: aaaages ago,since its water restrictions, i shower.
The last movie you saw at the cinemas: inception
Do you like scary or happy movies: happy, i'm chicken
Black or white: white
Root Beer or Dr.Pepper: eh?
Vanilla or chocolate: depends
Silver or Gold: Silver
Diamond or pearl: pearls
Sunset or Sunrise: sunset
Sprite or 7up: spriteee
Cats or dogs: dogs :D
Coffee or tea: teaaaaaa, milk tea (: i hate coffee
Phone or in person: in person
Are you the oldest, middle, youngest or only child: oldest -sigh-
Indoor or outdoor: depends, mostly indoors
end time: 12:30pm wow took longer than i thought

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