
by - 10:28 AM

today i'm blogging early since i might be going to lifegroup ( church group ) later and need to study for my legal exam..well unless i find more time tonight or procastinate i may perhaps blog again but yeah. My dads kinda busy atm so i'm not sure if i can find transport to go lifegroup but we'll see soon ; yesterday i was helping my brother make a 'sig' and after spending a loooong time on it, we killed it by accident and so i restarted it. He's so picky , like literally lmao, 'move this up, move it a bit closer, its too small, oh i don't like the colour, make the resolution higher'

-sigh- he's such a flyff addict he made flyff sig lol at least the second time didn't take a long time. well yeahhh thats my day. Today i'll supposedly need to study more as my dad puts it.. yeah haha. yesterday night i rewatched spirited away, its a really good movie. Lifted my mood hahaha.
yes i know my photoshop skills aren't as great as everyone else's out there but oh welllll at least i earned 5 bucks 8]


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