I'm beginning to feel that my life is getting pretty boring and probably not worth reading about. Perhaps i should just shorten it and blog about something more interesting.
Since my parents and brother are overseas, i was pretty much moping at home with nothing to do, pretty depressing actually. I should practice violin, except i'm too embarrassed to practice in front of the three taiwanese homestays who are living in my apartment at the moment. Well yeah, pretty unproductive holidays, wish i had a exciting life like some of my other friends.
man, i want a new camera , my current one now is dying, the flash doesn't work and like the battery never connects properly so my camera always shuts down cause apparently it 'ran out of battery power'. Dunno what model I should get though; if i even get one , i'm too poor ):
Perhaps i should order things from online, my dad keeps pestering me about it. Ah well, heading over to Janice's house tommorrow, hopefully it's more interesting than eating/facebooking/bludging at home.
If any of you want to go somewhere on the holidays let me know, since i'm pretty much moping around at home , i should get up and socialise.
If any of you want to go somewhere on the holidays let me know, since i'm pretty much moping around at home , i should get up and socialise.
Well, if i even have that many friends anyway haha lol. Need a new jumper/jacket and shoes, I need money to go buy some, even if i always pick the cheap ones haha, i applied for woolworths but they haven't replied yet so yeah. Yes, i got nuffnang ads cause Jennifer suggested i should, though i doubt i'd earn any money since I don't have that many readers for a Advertisment campaign to want to pay me. Well, i'm off for now, time to get on msn for the first time in a million years ( more like a week)