by - 8:36 PM

& linda for the 7th since i didn't blog that day
i hope you had a wonderful day and that your wishes come true :D oh and um yeahhhh you can watch MA 15+ movies now like you've always wanted to jksjks haha but yeah ; have fun being 15 (:
long time no blog ~ haha well more like only a few days but whatever ; didn't really feeling like blogging the last few days + i had to study so yeahh ; well attempt to study anyway.

-sigh- got my results back for english, jap, math C kap & map parts orz pretty depressing.

English -A ( now before you guys kill me for being upset over an A, look at my other marks)
Japanese- A
Math C kap- B+
Math C map- B-
[all my other friends got like A & A+ for math C -sigh- ]

yeah ; that is depressing, like literally cause i made such stupid mistakes and yeah ; guess what? studied all afternoon + one hour the next morning for math B and then the teacher gave us this extra sheet of questions during our test cause they forgot to put it in, so i finished my test and was checking through it, near the last 30 seconds, i flipped over the extra sheet only to discover i missed one page of questions ): and that is how i almost lost it -sigh- so i kinda just gave up and walked out since the teacher was like telling me to hurry up . uh well ; thanks people who cheered me up :L and someone for strawberry milk ~

anyways ; nothing much to blog about nowadays, just realised that i get pissed so easily now ._. over small things but whatever. On school holidays i'm only staying at elaine's house for 5 days

-sigh- and the rest of the time, i have to live with sunny's dad's sister's bestfriend's children who are like twenty something ._. and i don't even know them ; in my own house while my parents+bro are overseas ~ uh well anyways yeah. i'll just attempt to continue the 30 day challenge.

okay wait; i can't be bothered, i'll do it when i have more of a interesting life :L ( maybe its also cause i can't find what i'm supposed to write for day 2 since i got it off nat's blog and those entries can't be viewed lmao) but yeahh byes. +_____+ i have so much jap tutor hw its not even funny.

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