cross country

by - 9:44 PM

Hello guys!

I'm kinda trying to fulfil my new years resolutions - to not go on the computer that often so as you can see i am partially succeeding -shiftyeyes- disregarding the fact i still spend a lot of my time stalking blogwalking :D

Well anyways, now that jennifer is back it feels like our girls group is complete again! I missed that funny cute little giraffe =D We're contemplating on joining cross country together. Yes, after muttering about it for around 2 years we are finally taking action and applying (even though the sign on was actually last friday LOL). I told myself i would never ever ever EVER join cross country since you know - i'm not the pro-at-sport type of girl, but you know, at least i'm going to try right? It's time to have determination, my dad said that i should join lots of activities and force myself to work hard.

I shouldn't keep admiring and just wishing i could be like others, i have to try, so yeah. One of goals - to get fit OR grow taller ;) lets just hope i won't die this year shall we? Hmm, nothing much happening in classes, tbh i think a lot of my teachers are =\ but oh well, grade eleven is okay atm since the so called 'stress' hasn't started yet. Well goodnight!

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