A sense of nostalgia

by - 7:09 PM

Hello :)
I am proud of myself cause for the past few days i have been doing my homework like a good kid & practiced my violin! Well at least i'm making an effort to improve so it feels productive. School is pretty good these days, everyone is like high all the time i swear :D Apparently now i have a new name : Chibi ringo chan aka chibi apple ._. It's all due to my lack of height -sigh- lol but its all good cause i have my lame comebacks at people who call me short haha

My english draft is due on monday and i haven't started because i was more worried about my math C which is due next wednesday, don't ask me why lol. Well anyway, thankyou cindy/tina/albert/yee sum for helping me out/ checking our answers together :) I hope i don't fail math C, its not hard but i seem to always suck at math assignments cause i think there is hidden meanings to things D:

Today i went through some old folders and found my old report cards, guess what guys? Comments from majority of my teachers said that i'm a " independent mature student" 8) i guess this makes up for my lack of height you guys :D Since i'm so mature -coughcough- but anywayyy haha lol. Elaine would say that was just a excuse but :P haha. Also found this:

haha good grade 8 memories 8)

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