Asian family barbecue

by - 8:24 PM

 Yesterday my parents invited like 5 families over for a barbecue ( well he invited 7 but like 2 couldn't come so yeah ). I helped my mum cut fruit :D and rearranged them , she said i was a lazy kid cause i chopped so slowly lol but yeah at least i arranged it, she was about to chuck a whole bunch on a plate and just leave it lol :L
me & my food :D 
LOL at my dad :L 

The guests were : sunny , her sister, her lil bro, her dad, ben, jenny, parents, bill, his dad, janice, her sis, her parents and my doggy's adoptive family ( jerry, sydney & their parents ) ! Basically we went down to the function room situated below my apartment thingyo, where there was a barbecue + pool. Kids hung out by themselves while adults seated themselves at the table. By the time dinner started, half of us was already full from snacks so we didn't eat much & went upstairs to play wii ( well ben was trying to learn piano from bill LOL).

We played around a bit with jenny's polaroid camera since she claimed she wanted to waste her last 3 films or something so she could open her new pack haha :D 

polaroid :D so cool!

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