Senior prank

by - 8:23 PM

Went to city afterschool today to pick up Battlefield 3 which i pre-ordered for my brother since it was limited edition and he wasn't allowed to do it for himself cause he's still like 14 lol. Okay so other than that, i had badminton training this morning, i didn't make it on a team so this year i won't be competing T_T sucks cause I've been on a team every year, so sad that i was in A team last year and this year i'm not even on a team. But yeah, we got asked to go as reserves - -" but whatever, i still went training for the sake of it :) It was good today though cause we had the courts to ourselves, unlike yesterday. 

I got to school, arrived at F block and saw the graffiti some grade 12 seniors stupidly put on the roof/side of the building - -" this years pranks have gotten way out of hand, its not even funny anymore. I have nothing against the seniors, its just a handful of stupid people decided to put flares and smoke bombs during assembly, run down to southbank and get arrested THEN they have the nerve to graffiti 'SENIORS' on to F block and draw a friggen male genital on it. It was a total of like $2000 damage , seriously are they suicidal? The teachers were already angry cause those people ran down to southbank with UNDERWEAR when the QUEEN there -sigh- i feel embarassed for our school. Then apparently last week a grade nine got taken into the toilets and had his arms cut/scratched while he was blindfolded , for a prank . Idno, just seems a bit over no offense.

Okay so its the last year of school but you know, a few pranks is enough, not really bad ones that get you suspended/expelled/arrested D: Well kay i'll stop rambling. Did a bit of QCS practice, it was hard, most of the people i asked didn't finish haha. I spent half the lesson all chill and then realised there was so much to write ._.

I want an iPhone 4 white or a red LG lollipop phone ;o lol i'm so shallow, only looking at the appearance but yeah, my current phone is dying lol, cracked screen. Okay goodnight guys :)

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