Today was my third day in a row being strangely happy for some reason :) I gotta say it is such a nice feeling. Jennifer says she is usually happy and being neutral is unusual for her :O how good her life must be! Happy most days~~
Today I went to chinese school, just talked to coco, jonathan, stephen, katy & karin :3 I got third place out of the class of 13 LOL. Missed second place by 0.6 points :') cause of my really fail test. But all good (Y) I don't really mind actually since chinese school is just.. well chinese school LOL. Plus I deserved it :L sitting there talking to people the whole entire term.
We were going to family friend's house today ( they were our neighbours but moved away last year). Soooo basically mum bought these gifts to give to them but then decided they were so cute she wanted them herself? (:" LOL. Sooo I baked a cake to bring there instead. First time it came out so well :3 Cause we bought a proper cake tin today!
I'm still pretty bad at baking though.. a few things I could improve on haha. I always take ages to make things (:" cause i like doing things slowly -sigh- And i'm really bad at putting the cream on the cake. The cream under the strawberry was meant to be harder ): but yeah, didn't have time since we were already late~
Final result
Rushed it so much near the end D: had like 10 minutes to put the cream on the outside and decorate ): and we were still late by half an hour. I hate being late aowe;ifnawef parents are so chill about it. Apparently asians are supposed to be 'late' by a bit to like dinners etc? cause if we turn up early it seems like we just want to come for the food? (well basically thats the truth anyway :P ) LOOOL esp. if its daniel ;)
Their house was so pretty D:
It was a tad awkward though, since bro& i barely knew them at all. See that guy on the left of the photo ? He is the same age as me D: and like i swear he is 40cm+ taller o-o. They left the cake on the kitchen counter for the remainder of the night :') Didn't get to taste it, twas the first time I decorated a cake properly as well. They left it there without putting in the fridge as well. So heartbroken ): My cakeeee. LOL.
Goodnight folks! :)
p.s i was kidding about the iPhone lol, it's my mum's :') She got it today