Last day of high school

by - 9:25 PM

Oh wow my blog just hit 40 000 views! :O Okay it doesn't sound like considering the fact that I've been blogging since grade nine but still. Wow. Uh thanks guys for taking time to read my ramblings/廢話. 

Yesterday was the last official day of highschool for me. Ever. I feel so sad :') It still hasn't fully hit me yet but I felt a bit sad after I finished my classes. I especially miss Mr. Badran. I spent thursday night writing like 4 cards for my teachers (well 3 for my school teachers, 1 for my jap tutor's birthday). I wrote Mr. Badran a really long letter and it was super corny as well because I was in a sentimental mood. He came up to me at lunch time yesterday though, and whispered "Thank you very very much". Omg I'm going to miss him so much ): 

I met up early with elaine at the bus stop and then she shouted me a slurpie from 7 eleven since its been our tradition for a few years now, to rock up early and get slurpies :D We spent the rest of the day signing shirts, taking photos, having a mini party at lunch break with heaps of food we didn't end up finishing. Mr. Halai (my form class teacher) prepared a powerpoint slide for us grade 12s along with chocolate even though he claimed he didn't do parties. Awwww. 

Got to maths B and mr. Oberhardt gave everyone chocolate, we didn't expect it because honestly he used to spend half the lesson yelling at our class :\ but so touching. We gave him a gift too and he looked like he was about to cry. He kept saying 'very thoughtful guys, very thoughtful of you'. Ahh he's so cute. 
 Chocolate from Mr. Oberhardt & Mr. Halai :D 
I had my jap test third period and it was horrible. Ha, what a lovely way to finish jap, having a test. 
Physics was good though, we did some work the first half of the lesson then spent the second half taking photos. Mr. Gagen brought a cake for all of us to share :') 

We only gave him a class signed card and a box of chocolates though. Chris made a speech! We kinda walked outside and started taking pictures. We saw vai as well so we went to take pictures with him.  

Lunch break was so ....sad. Well we had a party and everyone was just saying their goodbyes, hugging, writing cards, taking photos. 

Hehe chloe (from grade 10) came to take a photo with me :D 
With grassy & the seedy boss.

I've never hugged so many people in my life. Well I don't hug people much soooo that's saying something. Good thing we'll still see each other at blocks (EW), formal & graduation!

My maths C class is awesome. We spent our last ever lesson taking photos/ eating cake and then Mr. Barrett took us down to the C block courtyard and started playing handball with us. 

We saw a maths B teacher walking by so we made Mr. Barrett verse him in handball. He won aheuaheu 8) It was a good way to end our last ever lesson in highschool. I feel so old. Aww crap I better get going, I haven't even finished my introduction for english. What the hell is wrong with me? I usually need 2 weeks to complete my final copy of english and here I am casually 3 days before the due date and not even close to finishing. Somebody save meeeeee.


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