The last few days

by - 12:00 PM

Ah , I've been getting so lazy these days and I have so much to catch up on. Oh well, I'm sure you guys are having enough fun as it is so I won't go into detail about the past few days of my life :L A short summary I suppose will suffice :D 

Graduation flowers my mum bought from woolies 4 days after my actual graduation lmao. 

Spent my day at home doing chores (:" Mum left me a list to do because I was now 'finished school'. 

Went with elaine to school and we went to visit my chem teacher :') He left such a inspiring message on my book. Then we also went to visit Mr. Hadgelias, our physics teacher back in grade 10. He's so cute! 

Afterwards we had to meet up with Ms. Tapsall to discuss the badminton farewell party which was going to happen on friday. We headed to seven eleven to get a giant slurpee afterwards hehe, it's our tradition. Something we've done since grade 8 - buying a slurpee before walking to southbank and chilling. Except this time we headed down to Gelare afterwards and enjoyed some waffles at half price! 



Elaine & I went shopping in the city after sunny left and we took some sticker photos because it was %30 off :D (It's cheaper on tuesday for some reason). 

Met up with natalie to give her the japanese activity book I picked up for her from school the day before. We had lunch at Swamp dog. It was my first time there :3 They have nice lemonade.  We went to check our SAI's at school and she sold her textbooks before we went to the city and I went to get elaine's birthday pressie. It was so fun just hanging with her :3 We went maccas later on for this sundae thing but then my manager saw me and she gave me a discount, asking me if I wanted anything else, so I ordered an apple pie. Natalie got me these pretty earrings :') because she had a gift card from lovisa. Thanks so much nat! 

It was elaine's early 17th birthday BBQ celebration!

 I went at 9am to help her set up and the rest of the day was pretty awesome. Hehe she made me her photographer for the day 8D Using her DSLR was so funnn. We had a waterfight hehehe, it always seems to happen at elaine's parties. 
We were just casually running around southbank near the rockpools and splashing each other with water. We also played spin the bottle and two of my friends got dared to go up to a random and ask for a selfie. It was the funniest thing I've ever seen. 
I went to sleepover at elaine's house afterwards as we were going to school the next day anyway. 

Friday -
 We went city in the morning to get milktea for both ourselves and our brothers. See, top sisters aren't we? :P Dropped the drinks off at school for bro and then we had to go help set up for the badminton farewell party. Chopped fruits/ wrapped gifts/ wrote cards/ prepared food from 11:30am till around 3:00pm and then twenty minutes later 50+ girls showed up. Just monitored some of the activities we organised for them and served the food. We gave Ms. Tapsall the present from us captains and then to our surprise the gave us each a bouquet of flowers :') Totally wasn't expecting that. I've never seen orange roses!!! 


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