Melbourne day three

by - 9:31 PM

Hey everyone! This day was our last day in melbourne and it was pretty much packed with things we had to do. We checked out of our hostel early in the morning and headed off to Queen Victoria's market. There were so many stalls there, selling: food, wine, clothes etc.  

 There were also shops alongside the market and we went into this store that sold body butter, soap and the like. It smelled divine. Natalie & Aya both got something from there and later found this dessert wine in the market that tasted really good. Afterwards, we took the tram to the melbourne aquarium. The entrance fee was so pricey but I guess kind of worth it since there were so many interesting things inside. I wasn't expecting it to be interesting at all since I kind of always feel bored in exhibitions of any kind, even live animals. 
 I think I found a side of me that I didn't even know existed. Rather than interested at the performances the staff made the animals do, I kind of felt a little disgusted to be honest. It felt as though the animals were degraded just so they could entertain us humans :\ They even had a fishing pool for kids to catch fish. They penguins were cute though, I admit. 
 Apparently this isn't a seahorse but a seadragon? I don't really know the difference, maybe they don't have curly tails like seahorses? 
 I found the colour of this thingyo rather amusing, it was neon yellow! 
 The creatures kept moving around so it was actually really difficult to take photos of them. 
Jenwen's favourite: jellyfish!!!! 

Afterwards we headed off to Fitzroy gardens, boy am I glad we went. It was so amazingly beautiful and the weather was perfect as well. 
 It was quite a large park and there were fallen leaves everywhere, which I think looks really pretty :3
Despite the cold weather, we went to buy icecream whilst we sat on a bench in the park hehehe. 
okay, nothing much to say here, just admire the sceneryyyyy 8D 

 You know, right after leaving the park, we went to take the tram and we were so stupid omg. When our tram arrived, we had to go top up our myki cards (go-card equivalent) but seeing the driver wasn't inside the tram we just stood there waiting till he came back so we could ask him if the tram was going in the direction we needed to go. After like five minutes, the doors suddenly shut and I'm just like 

'hmmm well there is no driver, so obviously its not going to be leaving yet' 

Next minute, the tram starts moving and we are left behind TT Then we realise that the stop we were at was the terminal station so obviously it'd only go one way - back in the direction it came. Also, turns out the driver just walked to the other side of the tram to drive (since the tram has two sides). I bet the strangers witnessing our debate were like omg... they're so stupid HAHAHA. 

Tis all :D 

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