Seasons greetings

by - 12:34 AM


Hey guys, I'd like to thank you all for sticking around even though my posts have become very infrequent and uneventful. Anyway, I hope that this year has been a good one and that you have all learnt new things ! Don't forget to eat heaps of food at christmas. 

After so many days of hard work at Daiso I was delighted to receive my payslip and am happy to report that I have reached my goal of saving at least $5000 before the end of this year! Actually I've exceeded that amount. 

But, then something heartbreaking happened. My heart feels desolatingly empty and I'm crying inside. The reason is……
I bought christmas presents for my family for the first time in my life and my weeks savings is practically gone. Okay jokes aside, it was nice to see their surprised expressions since we never really celebrate christmas with presents or anything. I bought my dad some fine wine that one of the staff at Dan Murphy suggested. The lady who was at the registers did not ask me for my ID. I do not know whether or not to feel offended. 


Also walked around trying to find something to buy for my mum and I was clearly on drugs cause I walked into the Fossil store and came out with a watch that left a deep gaping hole in my wallet. I am still devastated but happy at the same time. If that even makes sense. Of course it does. 

Too bad for my cousin and brother that I felt broke and got them lame presents. Its okay, now eighteen years worth of christmas presents is made up for. Anyway, speaking of presents again, I also got something from my parents : 

A BOSE soundlink Mini speaker

and silver studs from Prouds so that my ears don't have allergic reactions to them like I do with some earrings made out of random metal. 

Looks like it has been a year filled with new things. First time celebrating christmas, first time dragging my dad to the cinemas etc. 

A few days before christmas eve I had some of my uni friends over for a afternoon BBQ. A few people sadly bailed last minute due to work but we still had an awesome time. Thanks justin for bringing some drinks for us! Pk wanted me to teach her how to make macarons and out of the many times I succeeded I managed to kill the batch I made with her. I was so sad. I am sorry for making fugly ones for you take home :') It's okay though, we had fun right? 

Apart from that, I've spent my days working (include period during which Daiso was open for like 36 hours straight, I worked until midnight). The next morning I came into work to find this in our storeroom. 

My colleague saw my family shopping at Chermside and she was like

'Omg your brother is handsome and your mum is hot' 

:') Why did I not inherit the genes then. Everytime some family friend sees us after a while its always: 
"Oh jed has changed so much! Gotten more handsome!"
 and then its like "Oh penny you still look the same as when you were little!" 
Its okay, when I'm forty maybe I'll still 'look the same' and be young ;) 

Late night dinners with the folks and cousin. 
 My first time at those restaurant/ bars in the middle of queen street. The food wasn't particularly impressing for the price. I actually prefer Boom boom which we had in the same week because it was less busy and there was more food for cheaper. It also tasted better. 
My parents went crazy cause they were super hungry and it was their first time there and they wouldn't listen to me when I said they had huge portions. So they proceeded to order hot pot + BBQ combo along with a few other dishes.  

I also got to meet up with Cindy, my sister from another mother a while back before she went to Taiwan. Had hakataya ramen for the first time. 

I'm glad brisbane has been putting on more exciting things compared to past years. This year there was some light display at City hall along with a few christmas performances/ choirs. 

Anyway I shall leave it at that ! I'm gonna go enjoy the rest of my evening now :3 Or should I say morning since it is like 12:32 am now. Watching Desolation of Smaug (The Hobbit Part 2) with Janice on Boxing day! Then… road trip with le family. Good night/morning to you all. Once again, Merry Christmas! 

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