Alice in wonderland red dress

by - 8:23 PM

You know, finding that alice themed restaurant made me remember the dress I really really liked from Tim Burton's Alice in wonderland :) It was the red dress Alice wore at the red Queen's castle. Soooo amazing :') I wish I could make it. 

Haha jen told me her dream is to go to cultural centre wearing the alice in wonderland costume she made and to have a picnic right outside the museum on the grass :L:L With a pretty suitcase bahahaha. I would if I had the red dress maybe ;) I'd probably still die of embarrassment though :x I get embarrassed very easily (scared of being judged ahem). But yeah omg. I want to go on a loooong as trip to Japan with Jennifer D: 

Man this is so so so so so bad! Why am I blogging so much??!?!? ;_; Goodnight! 

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