Hitting the workforce

by - 12:23 PM

Hello. It's me. Not adele, sorry I have really terrible terrible jokes. Just couldn't think up much of a greeting so... there you have it. So uh, first post of 2017 right? I wasn't sure if I was going to continue blogging - I'd almost given up the thought when talking to a couple of friends kind of gave me some motivation to try continue. However, as of yet that remains to be seen as you can tell from my patchy consistency with writing up posts in a timely manner. 

Well, what caused this massive hiatus yet again? I've just been lazy thats all. And working. But mainly because I'm so lazy I can barely bring myself to make sandwiches for my own lunches nowadays. Anyhow, I've officially commenced full time work - well I'm four months in actually but yes. It feels so strange to be 21 and to already know what I will supposedly be doing for the rest of my life. I feel so much older than some of my peers because I'd be telling them my work life struggles - especially the main part being a big reduction in free time. Yet, they would be talking to me about university hardships, on-campus club activities and part-time jobs. 

My friends and I tried going clubbing for the first time a few weeks back - dunno if it was because of the place we chose to go but I swear majority of the attendants were like just over 18. Needless to say, it was awkward with some people trying to chat us up and us knowing that we were at least 3-4 years older and not even students. It's really too much of a bother to do these activities now I reckon, unless we set aside a solid two days and organise for a place to go back to afterwards. Sorry, I'm off on another tangent.... 

Aside from that I guess I've just been taking each day as it comes - slowly getting used to the lifestyle of having far less free time to myself. In saying that I really do try to make the most of my free days now and everyone at work is mostly so lovely that I enjoy my time there anyway. I will forever be grateful to my team leader for helping me so much through my interview process and for really advocating on my behalf. I don't know what I did to deserve it. So... just to make it seem like I have more diligency in posting, I'll have another update coming soon... hopefully :) about my day trip to Noosa heads! 

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