by - 7:23 PM

I want a part time job ): i've been wanting one since the beginning of the year and my mum's badgering me about it all the time now ~ if i had more money i could like buy all this stuff -shiney eyes- and of course donate more for my church haha

The first day of school was alright, i asian failed bio though ): i think i'm gonna get a B for more overall mark this semester -sigh- i'm very disappointed in myself, so friggen lazy @@ anyways, sold the blue gatsby which was hanging around on my shelf for $11 to bill today, yayy money!

on a brighter note, we had a good teacher for RE today :D! he was a good preacher and stuff, it was really inspiring & we played this game, he said the winner could have all the coins in his pocket and by the end of the game, only the asians were left in the circle lmao shows how much we all love money haha, amazingly i won, for the first time , i got like $3.30 hahaha , since linda accidently said 'pong' instead of 'ping' for this game LOL it was hilarious since all of us of course thought of phuong (:

rest of day, not worth summarising about, came home and fried sweet potato for the first time for dinner since i had to use up the breadcrumbs in my cupboard or they would get overdue , okay that was pointless - - Hohoho by the way, my parents just called to tell me that i should go find things i like online cause they might get it for me overseas lol, extremely and strangely generous :L hopefully my mum doesn't buy weird stuff though ~ ordering movies atm and hopefully they will buy me a camera but not likely , kay bye!

p.s designed sunny's party invites just then ~

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