practicing violin, being motivated

by - 8:40 PM

I'm not meant to be blogging right now cause i have heaps of stuff to do but yeah, i'm addicted to the internet - - my hand hurts right now cause of playing violin, probably a result of not practicing for so long haha but yeah, i think i'm gonna fail my school exam this friday. I think mrs. mallon hates me -sigh-

I was gonna take a picture of myself with my fringe up to show you guys how bald i am but i decided against it cause it was pretty retarded-looking LOL i wish i was one of those people who looked fine without a fringe. Okay you didn't need to know that ~ i wanna go bake something right now except i don't have the time//not allowed so yeah ): cause right now i have like cream and creamcheese in my fridge and thats alot of things you can make

Today I made yee sum rip a page from her math book cause i was telling her about something funny that happened in physics last semester haha & i told her she needed help ;) she knows the kids helpline off by heart you know? thats a sign :D Math B right now is easy cause i already learnt all that in math C , i've never appreciated mr. orfanos so much before, except now i have mr. bowden for math C and its better not to listen to him cause you'd get more confused, literally .__.

I feel so tempted to start procastinating but i shall not cause i have bio, jap, english, math b, math c homework to do + legal assignment and a deck of jap tutor homework to do T___T i wonder if i'll die in senior? I'm so full right now, had like 2 and a half sushi's for dinner after I ran like 4 laps of the oval. I was tired even though I ran two laps in a row without stopping and then rested after every lap after that ;o so unfit. my dad said i looked very healthy .__. with my 'red' cheeks lmao elaine would probably call me a apple - - lol

OKAY I SHALL STOP BLOGGING ; EVEN THOUGH I WANNA BLOG ABOUT SOMETHING INTERESTING BUT I HAVE NOTHING TO SAY SO I SHALL LEAVE :)! okay i think i just convinced myself ; so byeee, i'm always on about so much crap these days

okay i'm back to update! I just received $20.66 from mcdonalds for doing the online orientation :D! and I start my shift next wednesday and have one on sunday as well :) for training but still~ hohoho $$

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