Korean BBQ

by - 12:01 AM

wow omg I saw my grade 12 english teacher at Daiso when I was working today. 
I seem to have this thing where I always end up seeing my teachers outside of school in the most awkward settings.

I remember back in grade nine I was doing wii fit at home and then I see my history teacher in my backyard without his shirt. He was apparently borrowing our high pressure water blaster to clean something for his parents who lived next door to us. 

Anyway, last saturday after work I got invited to my colleague's apartment for korean BBQ. The view from her place was so pretty and you could see the city lights. 
One day that is going to be me living like that. It took me a while to realise that I was the youngest one there, I always feel like my colleagues are around the same age as me. Shows I am very mature ya know ;) ;) haha just joking, my friends beg to differ. 
 My other colleague rachel made me a bailey mixed with milk. It tastes so good omg. I now refuse to listen to my dad when he tells me what he drinks is nice (red wine). The hosts even made us shaved ice dessert

Tis all. Other than that, I've been working like crazy. This week my work schedule = 

Mon: 1:30-9:30pm
Tues: 10:00-6:00pm
Wed (today): 2:00-9:30pm
Fri: 9:30-6:00pm
Sat: 11:00-7:00pm 

Oh well, at least I'm earning all that $$$ :') 

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