Fright night 2.0 - Harley Quinn

by - 11:30 PM

Hello all! As promised, I find myself here to blog about fright night! A couple of Vincent's friends, Victoria, Jackie and I all went to fright night a few days ago. It was actually my second fright night - I think I will endeavour to go every year just for the chance to dress up (and get scared out of my wits). The atmosphere is just really amazing, totally satisfies the secret side of me that likes badassery. 

Anyhow, since I loved suicide squad I opted to go as Harley Quinn. Major girl crush on her. Luckily I didn't have to buy too many things - kind of just went with what I had. I did get some blue hair chalk though and dyed the other side of my hair red with some semi permanent hair dye I had already!! Looks pretty cool, if I do say so myself. I've always thought coloured hair looked cool, but I'm too pansy to dye it permanently like this. 

Crazy dabbing with lipstick, blue eyeshadow and some eyeliner struggles later....... ASIAN HARLEY QUINN ;3 

Picked up vincent and a couple of his optometry friends and went to pick up my dear victoria. The girl is so talented with making head pieces..... she decided to go as a deer and made antlers etc. herself, hot glue gunning everything together HAHA. Told her she should quit radiography and make this her career. 

Impromptu stops at Mcdonalds near Yatala to grab some dinner! Totally coincidental fabulous lighting to amp up the artistic quality of the photo ;) Seriously though, Vincent is somehow great at taking 10/10 photos without trying. I literally hand my phone and 2 seconds later its like SNAP SNAP. 
Lo and behold.... we finally arrived at movie world after some mishaps with the tickets. As per tradition(one I hope to uphold in later years too)... a photo at the entrance!! 
The theme this year was Conjuring 2, but I'm actually a really big pansy and hate watching horror movies. I made the mistake of accompanying vincent to watch one when we first started dating and spent majority of the movie peeking between my fingers.... he still won't let me live it down. Its alright, I'm pretty balsy with rides though, so that makes up for it ;) 

Loved the smoke, lighting and music. We proceeded to the Conjuring 2 maze first since it was one of the new ones! I didn't know the storyline but seriously... there was this nun that scared the crap out of everyone like wtf. I spent most of my time looking around corners trying not to get scared but ugh HAHA. 

Vincent bought me a fake blood bag after I couldn't stop staring at it. HAHAHA, I've been on placement so long I think I'm starting to develop a weird kind of humour for these kind of things. 

NOBODY ELSE DRESSED UP OTHER THAN ME AND VICTORIA.... so I went to find my own Joker instead, sorry vincent :P 

What a hunk right? 

We finished the night by going on the scooby doo ride... it remind me so much of childhood - it's so nostalgic. I remember being super scared of it as a kid and now its just one of those rides that are still really enjoyable despite the number of times I've been on it. Whizzing with speed, outburst of laughter, screams of delight - it reminds me the spontaneity of youth and I love it. 
We spent literally half an hour trying to get out of the carpark though -_- because of some silly blockades to the exit. We rewarded ourselves with a midnight feed at market square though!! My healthy lifestyle has really slipped for so many months now... HAHA. 

Anyhow, I definitely recommend going :3 Hopefully I'll be able to drag some of my uni friends there with me next time. I think I'll always enjoy an excuse to dress up. Pretty proud of my costume despite the fact it isn't 100% authentic but hey - I ain't pulling on a pair of sequinned hotpants, they'd look ghastly. Yay for $3.80 Daiso stockings - loyal employee 10/10



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