Fairy sparklers & harbour town

by - 8:04 PM

Hello ! I haven't been blogging frequently over the holidays, maybe i'm actually getting used to not using the internet as much. Just finished vacuuming the house&folding the clothes so I decided i'd blog :)

this is: ELAINE :D the caveman! so tall D:

Yesterday me & my mother went to harbour town with elaine and her mum, didn't end up buying anything. I think i don't actually enjoy shopping that much, cause most of the time i'm too stingy to buy things that sometimes look okay. End up buying sale items which i don't wear cause i'm so asian hahaha, nah probably cause i'm so poor :L Elaine made me try on a few dresses in valleygirl cause my mum wanted me to find a 'cheap' semi-dress (since everything is on sale atm) Got tired after a few shops so we went to eat lunch or i probably would've fallen asleep right there and then on top of a JayJay's clearance stock pile literally lol. My mum bought this shiny black sequined vest & then elaine's mum and her went high while me&elaine walked around pretending we didn't know them haha

Turns out it was our mums that ended up buying things while me&elaine kinda just waited for them lol, they seem more like teenage girls than us ._. We begged for elaine& eric (her brother) to stay over and for once our parents agreed. We set of sparklers and i discovered my camera had long exposure :D to make up for new years, we set off the sparklers after we went swimming/sauna. Its kinda blurred at the back cause we didn't have a tripod and it was halfhearted attempt but it was still fun :) We watched 3 movies yesterday; aliens in the attic; how to train your dragon& she's out of my league. The dragon was so cuteeee toothless! okay i'm over it :D this morning we watched percy jackson&the lightning thief ~

Overall the two days was pretty good, well compared with being stuck at home being a loner i reckon! Well goodnight :)

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