First Valentines day

by - 11:23 AM

Hello guys! I'm really getting slacking with my blogging aren't I? I remember I used to blog almost every day when I was in high school - granted that most of it was complaints about school and the workload but anyhow. This post comes a few days late, but over a week ago was valentines day :3 

A few days prior, a friend came over and we trialled making some chocolate because I'm an absolute beginner when it comes to tempering. I actually had no idea what I was doing because in the past whenever I tried it always failed but I think I've identified one thing that always made it fail previously: using bad quality chocolate chips(which I found out don't have cocoa butter in them which makes them compound chocolate rather than real chocolate). 
 Being cliche and making roses, chocolates and a card woop whoop. 
I struggled with make up for about an hour before vincent came to pick me up hahahahahaha but thats okay. We went to kill some time in the park where Vincent then devoured the chocolates. I actually don't know what they tasted like :P 
 We kind of just mucked around a little bit and I watched Vincent practice parallel parking :P Then we headed off to new farm cinemas for the first time to watch a movie. If you guys haven't been I really recommend it :3 It's quite different from other cinemas and there are beanbags inside for you to sit on if you decide you don't want to sit on the seats. 
We finished watching The kingsmen, chilled in new farm park before Vincent took me to a restaurant in Hamilton. Had no idea where we were going until like 5 minutes before we arrived because Vincent wouldn't let me help him look at the GPS since it was meant to be a "mystery" hehe. We ended up at Hosokawa Japanese restaurant! 
They were so busy but the staff were still really nice :3 It was my first time there and I must say, I think japanese food will always be one of my favourite cuisines. We ordered quite a few plates of food but I only bothered to take photos of a few. 
Salmon sashimi and Chicken Karaage! 
We also ordered Pork belly as an entree of sorts as well as this dish called Avocado kakuni! Tasted sooo good ; I must learn to make it one day. 

We went for round two a little while later by going for drinks at a cafe called La Dolce Vita in milton I believe!! I never knew all these places were in brisbane but hey ; you can pretty much say I visited japan and france all in one day yeah? 

I think La dolce vita is both a cafe and restaurant but not sure ; we sorta just strolled casually in and took a seat before ordering. 
 Really liked both the interior and exterior of the store ; twas really pretty and quite different from all the places I've been to. Of course, we stopped outside and took photos like tourists. 

And that pretty much concludes what we did that day :3 Twas really fun and enjoyable though I ended up with a giant food baby but thats okay!! 

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