Shouldn't matter

by - 12:54 AM

Heyy guys!! I'm a bit too tired at the moment to bother writing up a blog post with photos and everything but just suddenly felt the urge to write down some thoughts. Once in a while I guess, I feel like my posts always become too repetitive - as if I'm just captioning my pictures which I don't want. Is it strange that sometimes I wanna just use my blog to capture little moments in my life? So that my future self can read it and cringe over how I used to type? 

I have no idea what I'm typing actually... I'm really hungry actually hahahahaha omg, but it is midnight sooooo yeah. 

I've still been exercising recently which is good, I think it's been one of the best decisions I've made this year. I did it even when I thought I couldn't and I feel like it's helped me with some of my insecurity or mood swing issues. I sometimes wonder if it's normal to experience such a huge change in emotions ; it troubles me a little. I think exercising always puts me in a positive happy mood afterwards though ^^ for which I'm glad.

My goal this year is to improve my mindset with which I view life >:D and try harder in everything I do but not compare myself to anyone else. Sometimes this willpower crumbles when I'm feeling particularly down. I start doubting my progress, myself as a person or thinking of things in the past that shouldn't bother me anymore. To be honest a few days ago encountering something made me falter for a little bit , though it shouldn't have. 

I'm glad though, that I have what I have :3 and things have a way of putting me back on track eventually. Okay i'm literally writing all this nonsense, feels a little bit weird. I think it's time I went to bed since I have work tomorrow morning~!! 

Good night! 

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