A case of rainy weather

by - 9:08 PM

Hello everyone! :) how was your day?

According to the weather forcast it was supposed to thunder today but then since i woke up to the sight of the blistering sun, i decided not to bring a umbrella. Not like we had any in the house anyway since most of them are in semi-tattered states but anyway ~ Today was boiling hot, to make matters worse we had assembly in which everyone spent the majority of their time fanning themselves with any paper to be found.

Got my english assignment task today, now i'm slightly stressing since i have not started my math C assignment yet. I hope i don't fail school D: Hmm i should start on homework and actually listen in physics except i always find myself drifting off when mr. gagen starts talking =\ oh gosh, i need help with physicssss ): i suck at it! At least i'm having a bit more motivation, like i'm actually exercising now, swimming at least 3 times a week & doing cross country ._. Oh and i practiced violin today! 8) aren't you guys proud of me? okay, so i've only practiced twice this week but its been over half an hour each time i swear!

err it doesn't look like anything since my phone has such a bad quality camera but its supposed to be the raining pounding against the ground of the bus stop lol

Sorry, don't have anything interesting in particular to blog about, my day was basically being boiled alive and well being completely soaked by the rain afterwards haha~ well anyway, i'm off now to go do my chem (well i hope so anyway) goodnight!

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