the giant teddy bear

by - 7:24 PM


Today i woke up early to go cross country, it was okay i guess, but really tiring, i was wondering to myself why i even joined up while i was running. But anyway, its a way to get fit right? Afterwards i went to the library and saw the giant teddybear that tam, cindy, victoria etc. got for yee sum's birthday! it's so adorable, except yee sum was a bit scared of it at first cause it was so big so me&cindy hauled it to form :D Heaps of people were like touching it / talking about it & yeah lol.

I took it to math B for first period since i only had to walk nextdoor & i sat it in it's own desk :D it looked so funny except it blocked the view of the whiteboard so we had to move it~ Break time was fun, everyone was playing with the teddy bear and i'm proud to say, i'm taller than it (H) & yee sum has decided to name the teddy : mr. timothy waffles LOLOL. Jap was okay, we sat the teddy on a chair facing out the window while i talked to nat valentines day plans :) then we got kinda busted LOL. & yee sum is proud of me cause i actually did it (H) (the bet we made).

ignore my face please :L screwed facial expression

Well, nothing much else happened so i'll just end the post here~ bye guys! :D
sooo, any of you want cookies on valentines day? :)

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