555th post

by - 12:28 AM

Wow this is officially my 555th post since grade 8 :D although alot of people have given up on their blogs i still like blogging alot for some reason. I guess i find it interesting to look back on what i used to be like haha. I've been cramming so much work this week, like the other day i had to cram english so i skipped MIFF ( music international food festival) in which i was supposed to perform. Felt kinda guilty but ya know, it was necessary ( due to my extreme laziness, great job penny). Ended up sitting there the whole day not knowing what to write & i crammed it till 2:30am in the morning before waking up at six to finish it. 

I got to school, teacher told us the presentation had changed to wednesday, well at least we didn't have to present haha :D you know i swear i lose EVERY bet i make with elaine, like last time i was complaining how i'd be screwed for english cause i wasn't ready yet & then just on that particular day my teacher is away. Then this time i told her i'd be screwed as well and the presentation changes to wednesday lmao + when i bet with her i wouldn' get in 'A' strings, the orchetra i was in miraculously got changed from B strings to 'A2strings' ( still the same level just different name) <_< bad luck or what? haha maybe i'm just doomed to lose bets with elaine LOLOL. 

This is my beautiful wife on the right, omg i wish i suited brownhair & mature makeup D:

I realise you're probably all thinking, if you're complaining about your marks so much, why do you bother blogging? well i guess it keeps me sane - well relatively anyway & besides its not like anyone will listen to me just complain/vent 24/7. I know friends are there for you sometimes but they can't always be, no matter what they promise, eventually they get tired of listening to you, eventually they get annoyed at you and eventually, they judge you no matter how hard they try not to. Well thats just my opinion anyway, i have a very cynical outlook on life. 

Life sucks these days, well just a lot of work to catch up on i guess, i have like a physics exam next monday, a math B KAP on tuesday, MAP on friday & i also have my chem eei draft due which i haven't even started yet, sucksss. This makes me think i'm gonna be so screwed over in grade twelve ): Argh why do i have to choose senior to start bludging, i used to listen in grade 8! Just used the new blogger picture uploader, so annoying though since i can't minimise the window&keep blogging, i have to wait for it to finish uploading the pictures .. pft LOL. I doubt you guys even know what i'm talking about but whatever.  Wish my blogging style was more interesting, i seem to ramble on alot about random stuff. Oh well, goodnight everyone! ( still have to blog about alice's , hopefully i don't do that like 1 month later <_< or that would be sad). 

P.s GOING TO JAPAN SOON , FOREVER. nah jk just for school trip :) anyone want souvenirs ? ( if i remember to get them lmao). Well night! 8)

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