Ear piercing surprise

by - 1:40 PM

Happy 19th birthday to Victoria !! 

Yesterday all of us turned up together at our friday uni lecture for the first time - and that was to reduce the guilt of coming out just to 'party', which was pretty much what we were doing. After the lecture we all went to the city to celebrate victoria's birthday. All of us were sneaky and managed to carry out a surprise for the unknowing birthday girl. 

 We kind of dragged her to the intersection on queen street and blindfolded her. Then we proceeded to walk her down and then lied to her that we were taking her to showgirls. To our amusement she actually believed us. HAHAHA. 

Don't worry guys, we actually just took her to get her ears pierced :3 and then we gave her another present. Too bad tam couldn't go up and watch victoria getting her ears pierced - she was looking forward to watching her scream. Yes, our tam likes to watch pain. 

Well, I tried to take a photo of the earring, kind of failed woops. Afterwards we went to eat lunch at new shanghai. 
The beef kind of tasted a bit funny and later on at night I started getting bumps on my back :| i suspect I may have had some kind of mild allergic reaction/ food poisoning. It might've been because of this, or perhaps I was allergic to some ingredient in the Paella which I shared with my friends later on for dinner at Nandos. 

Whilst waiting for a few other people, we just sat near the cinemas. Tam brought her polaroid and got us to take photos so we could write messages for victoria's 'card'. Well more like birthday polaroid. 
 It was so funny though, Pk was posing seductively for the photo and I was commenting on it and then suddenly joon is like: its like lateral hip shoot through. We died laughing, sorry you guys won't get it but as students of radiography well…. it was damn hilarious. Gotta love x-ray jokes. 
 Had a karaoke session when everyone arrived. Justin ordered 'Love the way you lie' three times just to force me to embarrass myself 'rapping'. As you would all guess, it wasn't really rapping since I can't do that very well. 
 Being the fat kids we are, we went to have dessert AGAIN, at san churros. We literally eat dessert after every meal. Hanging with my uni friends will be the start to an obese life. 
It was a good night :3 Hehe lucky we had a 'celebration' prior to swotvac. Starting now, it will be time to start studying. I should get onto it. Anyway, Happy birthday again vic :3 

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