Long absence

by - 11:41 PM

Hello guys,

I doubt there is anybody left who still regularly checks this space but anyhow, suddenly I feel an urge to write something again. It has been much much too long since I've done anything productive of late, it seems as though I just got lazier with blogging and it became more of an obligation rather than something I enjoyed, which is really sad.

I'm not actually sure what I'm up to these days, I just do the same old thing every day, I'm no longer social. Strange as it sounds, I've felt no urges to make social advancements either in person or online, I'm content to just wallow in my little space with the same people :3 Not that they're bad company or anything, quite the contrary. Even so, I'm contemplating just reviving my blog again and possibly attempting to catch up on the past two-three months though the task seems quite daunting. Not that I have much going on at the moment, so recapping the past few months should be good for the moment.

I've never gone so long without blogging before, perhaps it's a sign of me growing up. I no longer feel the same ease with publishing all my thoughts online but anyhow. I don't want to lose this part of myself, sometime I even wonder if I can still write. Anyhow, I am back with ramblings again, lets hope I keep up with it again soon :)

Until then,

Good night!!

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