part of the boredom cycle

by - 12:20 PM

urgh i have nothing to do and i've been pretty much wasting my time blogwalking and looking at updates of other people's lives. What a sad holiday -sigh- feels like i have no life seriously, stuck at home moping around and then going to work or being forced to study math but not doing anything. People are going out shopping, outings doing fun things and i'm like ;o major moodswings lately, really retarded argh.

I feel pissed of so often these days & then i'm like :D randomly and then its like boaisfja;osidfj okay that doesn't really make sense but anyhow, since i have nothing to do i'm blogging, perhaps i'll update my blog template soon, its been ages. Why can't i have a cooler life? okay whatever i should be grateful cause there are people much worse off than me but yeah bleh. No one can go out this holiday so i'm stuck at home with nothing to do and dad is all pmsy at me. I should be studying and all but i just cbs, wish i could get over my insecurity & just do things that will actually help myself.

I'm complaining again argh & treating this like some random stupid diary entry but its not, i'm just bored i guess. Oh well, i'll have something to look back on when i'm older - my old sad life haha :L nah just kidding. Kay bye! :)

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