Yee sum's 18th birthday BBQ

by - 12:16 AM

 First of all, happy 18th birthday yee sum!! Thanks for hosting such an awesome BBQ/pool party :) I would post a really pictures of yee sum right here but they're all on elaine's camera :P I was stalking her around today with a camera thats why ;)  

 The weather was so good for swimming, I didn't bother to wear sunscreen though so now my face is severely sunburnt and i have a shirt tan. Oh well. We spent the day kind of creeping daniel out with our weirdness. 
Daniel started splashing anyone he thought was weird :\ what a mean kid. Haha just kidding. Note I took the photo so I wasn't the one being weird ;) just a spectator tis all.  

 Jennifer doing 'water taichi'  ;) 

These kids spent part of their day taking seductive photos beside the pool. 
 Elaine, our cook for the day :D she BBQ'd all our food while the rest of us sat there like gluttons muahaha. 
 You know what the best part was? We were doing all this while our siblings were at school hauehaue this is so satisfying. Aha I'm such an evil sister. Richie came around near the afternoon and gave yee sum speakers for her birthday/ took some photos for us & drove some people part way home. It was a very relaxing day :3 I now need to hold a icepack to my face though because it's burning ;_; 

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