
by - 1:38 AM

Habit. The way we are used to thinking and the way with which we approach things often comes down to our habits. It is a constant battle really, to change; because we are so comfortable or familiar with the way we are now. I feel like its a struggle to stay afloat sometimes, to keep from having negativity and insecurity seep into my life -the two of which are my main flaws. 

As much as I hate the way it is sometimes I guess it is just important to remember that these moments don't last forever; there are tiny achievements and happiness in life which make it worthwhile. Just because I find great frustration in the way I am sometimes doesn't mean I'm not making progress. Everybody has their struggles. As cliche as it sounds, I begin to feel like life really isn't very long. I want to explore the world, see wonders, become an amazing person and love passionately without abandon. Oh how very corny. How very old I sound, when I still want to have as much fun as any other teenager :3 

It is late and I think I'm typing nonsense yet again. It is time for bed for I shall have to wake up early since I'm opening the store up with my manager tomorrow. Good night (or shall I say morning) to you all. I must also remember to live more for myself. 

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