Home made poached eggs

by - 1:32 AM

Hey guys! As per usual I find myself blogging late at night - it seems to be the time where I find all of my inspiration, motivation and other random sorts of feelings. I guess with the bustling brightness during the day it is easy to just laze about and look on listlessly at my computer screen but yeah. Anyhow, back the main point. I haven't really been updating properly have I? To be honest I spend a large majority of my time making food nowadays - well on the days I cannot find company that is what I find myself doing. 

 I've been trying to eat a bit healthier these days coupled with exercise. However, I don't think i'm quite succeeding in the food aspect. 
For instance, the other day I found myself attempting poached eggs for the first time.Poached eggs however, were surprisingly easy to make. 

You basically crack an egg into a bowl first and set it aside. Then you fill a small pot with water until it is about 8cm deep before adding a pinch of salt and dash of vinegar (helps the egg to stay together). You bring the water to a gentle gentle boil and leave it on low temperature. Taking a spoon, you make swirling motions to create a mini whirlpool. Bring the bowl with the egg inside close to the water and gently slip the egg into the water. The swirling motion of the water helps wrap the egg white around the egg yolk :3 and if needed you can keep using a spoon to continue that motion. 

Depending on the consistency with which you want your egg yolk, cooking time is around a minute or two (take the egg out and prod it softly, if it is relatively soft then you know the yolk is still runny). 
So there we go: poached egg with rye toast, ham, avocado, cream cheese and dried chives. Of course, a poached egg dish wouldn't be complete if I didn't cut the egg open.... TADA! 
I think I have this obsession with poached eggs now. Ahem. 
Let me entertain you with another boring picture of one of my "healthy" brunches. Pk and Tam actually came over the other day and somehow coaxed me into working out. We went upstairs and did some exercise together for the first time- I was actually dying but since they went on with minimal rest I continued on so as to avoid humiliation HAHAHA. Girls will be girls however and we rewarded ourselves after by dolling up and going out for dinner! 
Few days later I went with Vincent to have some pizza on Mt gravatt lookout. I tried to order the healthier option, I really did. 
I've been slipping up epically in the food department - I can have a healthy breakfast one day and then I find myself having fried chicken and desserts. However, it is okay; little progress is better than no progress right? 

I'm loving home made banana milk these days :3 // tried out green tea creme brûlée at sweet treats the other day! This was all like in the past two weeks by the way - I've literally been eating so much unhealthy food this week but oh well. Caught up with Anisha the other day at her belated 20th birthday celebration at Ole! (spanish restaurant in southbank). 
I cannot remember the Spanish name of this dish but basically it was something along the lines of pork loin with chorizo and some kind of white bean mash. 
Was rather tasty I suppose but left me rather thirsty. Ten out of ten for presentation though. 

I recently bought a VIP package to seaworld, movie world and wet 'n' wild so I've just being visiting theme parks the past few days. For instance, a group of friends and I headed off to seaworld! There wasn't very many rides but I still prefer marine animals over normal animals. 
 Dolphin show! 
 A cute as polar bear who made everybody coo when it started doing somersaults in the water. We mostly finished up with watching a sea lion show (it was a play of sorts). 
 annnnnnd that was pretty much it :) It was such a humid day I really regretted wearing jeans. 

Well that is all for now - I'm a bit knackered from exercise today (haha just kidding, i just know I should be heading to bed soon). Sooo good night, or should I say morning? Let tomorrow be a new day with positive vibes! 

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