
by - 7:43 PM

Hello everyone! :) 
Sorry I was too tired to blog yesterday so yeah. But basically yesterday we had speech day, surprisingly most of our group turned up and didn't wag. It was kind of depressing watching all these super talented people get awards though. Like some people won 4 subject awards and other stuff. So talented ): Damn. 

 For once, it wasn't raining on speech day. Ahem we kinda just started taking photos actually :D 
Timbo bimbo & elaine :3 

 Awwwww yeah I'm taller than daniel right? He's a midget 8) I look like the older one right? right??? I think so too (Y) Okay nah jokes, he was just being 'nice' and bending down a little bit. Not that much since our height difference isn't too great :P 
Watched the awards ceremony with nat & vikii :) Oh and a photo of us seniors 2012!!!! Credits to richie for the photo below :) 

Sunny& Jen accompanied me to the city to get some food and we just sat in hazel tea to chat a bit before jen had to leave for tutor. Sunny came home with me though, since we we had music fest later on that night at Iona College and my mum was taking both of us. 

So glad I made it into symphony before I graduated, we've done quite well I think. We got into finals for fanfare at QPAC (top 5) and it was the first time two groups from the same school got in. Then we finished with a platinum (best one) for music fest :D What a good way to end. Will definitely miss orchestra though, when I leave. So many good memories. 

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