Rose salt

by - 8:33 PM

Hello guys, sorry for not blogging for a while but I've been immersed in my novels you see. On wednesday I went on an outing with a couple of my friends, nothing much to say except it was really fun. I had salad for lunch for the first time in my life (other than at home) and I gotta say its much better than what I'm used to. I introduced An to Grill'd hehe. Spent ages karaok'ing which was really fun and then lady eventually gave me this loyalty card because I kept coming back to ask for another hour of karaoke. Well, that goes to show why I'm broke now. First time I've been broke in a while. Only $20 left in my wallet or something. 

Today I went to pick up my dear Jenwen from the airport :3 It was good to see her after so long hehe. My mum took her home first to drop off her luggage and we went to carindale shopping centre to grab lunch. Sorry we didn't contact you yee sum! Had lunch at Grill'd again. It was my first time at carindale in a while. I skipped breakfast so I could eat more for lunch but I ended up ordering too much ;_; and had to waste a bit of it, I feel so bad. I wasn't even hungry for dinner. 

We shopped around a bit then went to buy food. Jenwen buys so many healthy things, like no meat at all except for ham or something. Explains our difference in shape ;) We dropped her off at her house later and she gave macarons and rose salt all the way from France :3 Hehehe they look so pretty. My mum is still doubting whether or not the rose salt is edible, I'm pretty sure jenwen told me told me they were though. Thank you jen for the lovely presents!! The packaging is so pretty a;oweifna;oweif. 

Hehe colourful. 

Good night guys :) 

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