by - 8:06 PM

i don't know if i'm over you yet ;
but i can tell you that you are the most amazing
person i have ever met.

hello & good evening.
i cbs blogging so i shall sum up
this morning in badminton several epic things happened
- elaine was trying to hit the shuttle when she accidently let go of her racket
and then it did high somersault in the air before crashing onto the floor & then she cracked up
- elaine was hitting a power shot and then the shuttle went between sunny's legs, it was really epic & we couldn't stop laughing for 5 minutes none stop , it literally go stuck between sunny's legs -thinks suss-
- for the 4th time, we have hit the shuttle onto the nets that separate the court in half :L

second break ;
- tim went up behind me & went BOO so got creeped but for some reason i screamed really late *sighs slow reaction again and so everyone was laughing at me =3=
- everyone started patting my head and 5 seconds later i suddenly realise they put gatsby on my hair so it was all like :OINF:SLDF literally
yea thats about itt except i think i'm gonna fail math ; but yasmin is going to help me -flutters-

tommorrow i have to go badminton training and like thursday morning, then friday morning is violin and in the after is O.O ;aoeifna;sdlfnk !
okay & um fine i'll upload a picture, the stickies we took on jenni's bday outing (:

; pennyx

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