by - 8:07 PM

its raining hardkore right now and i like it. yes i'm unusual but i seem to like rain alot haha. well anyway the weather was pretty hot today so everyone is like , thank goodness for aircon. dad dropped me&bro off at school and then blah , had english first up & watched gattaca, its actually a pretty good movie :L

at break time, i bumped into natalie at the lockers & this teacher comes over

pinned on for life.

teacher: excuse me young lady, where is your hairtye?
natalie: uhh.. on my wrist? -points-
teacher: well its not gonna hold up your hair that way is it?
natalie: sorry..
teacher: tie it up & LEAVE it tied up -stalks off-

it was pretty scary .___. teacher is so agro, then when we go upstairs this is what happens
-natalie sits down & so do i , with jenny& other-
natalie: FAROUT i hate teachers these days.. so strict now
jenny: lol i think its mr morrison's rules
me: yea i think maybe the teachers get busted if they don't boss us around
natalie: psh just cause mr morrison is bald & he's jealous of our hair >:
-everyone cracks up-

she's so hilarious i swear i love her [H] she's the funniest thing alive . well anyway religion next w/ linda & elaine the gross. well elaine decided to crawl under a desk so i decided to call her a caveman & at break time she was making gross jokes .___. so now i reckon i should call her:
Olen, the perverted violent little caveman . she's gonna kill me now haha.

jap, mrs brownlie smith brought in this jap teacher person & brownlie started friggen showing off by like speaking all this jap we didn't learn yet, sure maybe some people can understand but most people who don't do tutor can't & then brownlie just goes yabbering away like she talks this way all the time, & then teaches us weird stuff we didn't even learn , just in order to impress that jap teacher -sigh-

walked to busstop only to discover my dad is picking us up upper campus of school -sigh- helped bring boxes up into our appartment. goodbye.

; pennyx

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