by - 8:09 PM

today it was raining again (: i like rain . well i'm unusal okay ? met elaine on the bus & when we got to school, we both got our bro's go buy lockers haha got a new one thats on level B ; gee my bro is so lucky, his first year & he gets like the best locker -sighs-
at the park.

anyways besides that i had accounting first up -sigh- its pretty okay just boring but at least it has really good aircon (H)then i thought i had physics but i didn't & i was like following elaine going : hey ? where are you going ? LOL psh i'm so stupid. so went to D block, then F block only to find out that i got mrs chenery as a sub teacher so i had to go to E block psh i don't like her >: physics next, boring lah ~
my retarded shoes.

jap meeting was packed, so many people & we found out that grd 11&12 get first priority TT far out i've been looking foward to this trip & my family are ditching me in september holidays cause they were gonna get me to go japan. i took the form home & my dad's like .__. its so expensive ! i just want you to know its a hurting price = =" so now he is telling me to show my sincerity to wanna go visit japan & watch like 10 jap dramas at least & like learn more jap so i'm fluent . mann thats gonna take ages..


;) muahahhahaha. interesting things happened today. richbo's these days ~ jokes.

; pennyx

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