by - 6:55 PM


today i went to natalie's bday outing , it was really fun but i shall not bore you guys with my ranting, i'll just upload pictures since pictures are worth a thousand words apparently haha (:
people that went =
jennifer, me, natalie (obviously) , evelyn, richie, daniel yang, jake, tim, some of natalie's shanghai
friends, zoe, alex, joy, felan & i think thats about it?

afterwards everyone left, me, jenni & jake got on the 150 and bumped into enlo and albert.
got to southbank, only me and jenny stayed and talked about things haha and then she went home, so it was only me waiting for my dad to come and he was still in the sauna at our apartment when i called him. sat there and read to kill a mockingbird , see what a good kid i am ? -shiftyeyes- and then this random asian lady comes up to me.
lady: ex-cusu-me , are you japanese?
me: umm no?
lady: is .. from here bus come?
me: uh yeah ^^
lady: thankyou -walks away-
LOL, i think she thought i was japanese so she was trying to ask for directions? i was too chicken to tell her i could speak a bit of jap cause i'm actually very noob so yeah i didn't help her too well but oh wells. anyways went home and thats that.

T-T height difference.
good day, now i've gotta finish my english assignment
cause its due tommorrow, -sigh- good day & hardkore homework :L
; pennyx

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