by - 4:21 PM

yesterday i woke up pretty late at around 8:45am then my parents told me to start studying T-T so i opened my accounting book and stared at it for around 20 minutes before grabbing a mandarine for breakfast and heading back to my room to study -sigh- i couldn't concentrate and just did random transactions. then got stuck on this random question and just walked around my room, jumped on my bed, got fustrated, walked around the house, sat back down and stared at the paper. lovely. wasted an hour but anyway. then my parents started telling me to eat more breakfast, its not my fault they told me to study the first thing in the morning ai ya. (all the
random pictures i took below)

see, i'm such a good kid -shiftyeyes-

well, after a while of staring at the problem i cbs so i guessed the answer, had a big bowl of noodles for lunch, at a peice of chocolate so my brain would work and then went back to doing more transactions and yes i shall not bore you with the rest of my day since i was basically wasting it reading a book and attempting to study which failed cause i couldn't stop thinking about some things.

about today, woke up extra early, got to school early with no one there, then saw justine and we started dissing each other :L then everyone else came blah blah ; first class was english, which was the boringest thing alive.

sunny, drinking lemonade (:
enjoy looking at her beautiful face -nudge at someone-
break time was usual then went to assembly cause religion had a excursion today, then cause i'm cursed, my vision got all spotty for some reason and i knew i was having one of those um symptoms ( it happens once every few months, my vision goes spotty, then clears and i get hit with a massive headcracking headache and feel dizzy) , see i'm so cursed that i get it right before my accounting test TT i am by no means sick or weak but i'm just weird. sat in class, finished the first half of the test and couldn't be stuffed doing the second part B after 2 questions cause i was seriously feeling sick. we were supposed to do the first half this lesson anyway, so i finished at 12:40 and just lay my head down on the desk looking retarded.

dragged myself up to lunch area, laughed a bit at elaine's retardedness, daniel yang is convinced she's on a permant high from drugs lol. crossed with an, jennifer and by then i was feeling better, got in the classroom for jap and sat down, started my gay test which was actually kinda hard btw . i should've studied a few words LOL i was like -stare- what is thisss? well that is about it. went to QYS concert with sunny on saturday yeah.

hope you guys enjoyed your day (:
; apple.
( DO NOT LAUGH; just wanted to try a new uhh ending? since i've
been using the same thing for ages & besides 95% of my friends now call
me apple, but don't laugh TT )
actually no i shall not use it psh.

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